Our Role In The Energy Transition

This is the second in a series of op-ed articles from the solar professionals at Greentech Renewables (see Artie Perri's take here). Tom Bone is the Commercial Division Manager for Greentech Renewables. In this article, Tom details his views and experiences working for companies like Greentech Renewables that advance and strengthen the solar industry.

How lucky we are to be working in solar, where we dedicate our efforts toward deploying sustainable generation capacity and helping upstanding and like-minded professionals grow job-creating companies.  This is Good Work, and important.  We are building a sustainable energy economy.  

Today's energy economy is inherently unsustainable, in part by its reliance on finite resources, and in part by its detriment to the health of our people and our planet.  

Photovoltaics, amazingly, address both of these weaknesses, and at superior cost.  Solar energy is today "the cheapest source of electricity in history” — without fully pricing in the externalities of carbon-based energy.

Where else can you save money and the planet?  

As solar continues its Swansonian price decline, and as storage deployment reaches scale and solves for intermittency at competitive cost, legacy assets will have an increasingly difficult time competing with new, sustainable generation.

But this is not a passive transition.  We are making this transition happen every day, by our hard work and creativity and commitment and grit.

We are navigating the constant ups and downs of global commodity trends, of international trade issues, of port strikes and factory fires.

We are fighting against regulatory capture, and the overwhelming resources of incumbent generators.

We are compelling big finance to favorably underwrite solar as a proven and bankable asset class.

We are keeping pace with rapidly evolving codes and standards, as we learn and improve the durability and safety of our trade.  

With every process we refine and every efficiency we contribute we are making solar cheaper, and thereby accelerating its adoption.

Our role at Greentech Renewables is to enable solar contractors, EPCs, and developers to design, sell, and build solar + storage systems.  We seek to add outsize value to our customers with our local inventory, streamlined systems and operations, and responsive and knowledgeable team.  Our unmatched purchasing scale allows us to offer competitive prices, but it is our best-in-class service — and the costs we help our customers avoid — that sets us apart.  

We are contributing to the transition to a sustainable energy economy by helping our customers deploy solar + storage systems more efficiently.

Thank you for your contributions and partnership in this great generational effort.  If you have any thoughts on these points, we'd value your feedback.  Contact us to get connected with a local rep today.

1 https://www.carbonbrief.org/solar-is-now-cheapest-electricity-in-history-confirms-iea



Herb Newman commented 3 years 3 months ago

Hoping that with the kind of heat we are experiencing NOW across the country and the price of petrol people will finally see the light!

3 years 11 months ago
Written by
Tom Bone